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Futures Markets
Contract Sym Prev  Open  High  Low  Last Trade  Settle  Chg  Last Update
LEAN HOGS  Dec 24 @HE4Z  77.825  77.725  78.475  76.800  78.250  78.275s  0.450  1:04P Oct 21
LEAN HOGS  Feb 25 @HE5G  81.850  81.500  82.425  80.900  82.225  82.250s  0.400  1:04P Oct 21
LEAN HOGS  Apr 25 @HE5J  85.625  85.450  86.125  84.800  85.850  85.925s  0.300  1:04P Oct 21
LEAN HOGS  May 25 @HE5K  89.000  89.100  89.450  88.600  89.325  89.400s  0.400  1:03P Oct 21
LEAN HOGS  Jun 25 @HE5M  96.325  96.325  96.800  95.650  96.650  96.725s  0.400  1:04P Oct 21
LEAN HOGS  Jul 25 @HE5N  96.375  96.375  96.850  95.875  96.750  96.750s  0.375  1:04P Oct 21
LEAN HOGS  Aug 25 @HE5Q  95.100  95.100  95.450  94.775  95.375  95.400s  0.300  1:04P Oct 21
LEAN HOGS  Oct 25 @HE5V  79.750  79.725  79.950  79.600  79.875  79.900s  0.150  1:01P Oct 21
LEAN HOGS  Dec 25 @HE5Z  71.675  71.950  72.050  71.950  72.050  72.000s  0.325  1:00P Oct 21
LEAN HOGS  Feb 26 @HE6G  74.775        74.900  75.100s  0.325  1:00P Oct 21
LEAN HOGS  Apr 26 @HE6J  79.150          79.475s  0.325  1:00P Oct 21
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Exchange:  CME
Last Trade:  78.250
Change:  0.450
Bid:  77.875
Ask:  78.250
Today's High:  78.475
Today's Low:  76.800
Volume:  19,329
Open:  77.725
Settle:  78.275s
Prev:  77.825
Contract High: 
Contract Low: 
Updated:  Oct-21-2024
Delay Time:  10 Minutes

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2024 Hard Red and Soft Red Winter Wheat Crop Quality Good Overall
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Posted at Monday, October 21, 2024 10:39AM CDT
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